Let’s Get It Clear: Materials for pressure care products
Figure 1. The structure of wool fibres Petrochemical-based products proliferate in the present-day pressure care…
Let’s Get It Clear: Are they safe to drive a powered wheelchair?
Figure 5. The i-Drive® VR Driving Simulator in use with a Virtual Reality headset People…
Let’s Get It Clear: What’s in an ‘assembly’, and what should we call the components?
Figure 1. PSD Pad and PSD Supporting Structure When you order an ‘assembly’ to fit…
Let’s Get It Clear: Alternatives for getting the pelvis under control
Figure 1. Useful bony leverage pointsaround the pelvis When seated, we rely on the position…
Let’s Get It Clear: What makes a good head support? Or is that neck support?
Figure 4. An i2i neck support The position of our head is critical for many…
Let’s Get It Clear: Education Health and Care Plans – The essentials for success
Figure 1. The timetable to reaching an EHCP (numbers in brackets are the maximum number…
Let’s Get It Clear: Managing progressive disorders
Figure 2. The Aergo PS seating system Many people need assistive products to help overcome…
Let’s get it clear: What makes a good cushion? 7. Standard of evidence
Figure 1. The stability report from ‘Explore our data’ In previous articles in this series,…
Let’s get it clear: What makes a good positioning belt? 3. Closures
Figure 1: Belt with side release buckle set up for dual pull operation In previous…
Let’s get it clear: What makes a good positioning belt? Part 2. Adjustment
In previous issues of THIIS in the Let’s Get it Clear series, we have covered…