Keep Britain Working review launched to explore how to help disabled people back into work
A new 'Keep Britain Working' review has been launched to explore how to urgently support…
Welsh Government provides £19m to ensure the NHS and local councils work together
The 50-day winter challenge in Wales, launched to ensure the NHS and local councils worked…
Hastings Borough Council approved 42 adaptations between October and December 2024
Hastings Borough Council reports that its Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) scheme continues to help support…
Scottish First Minister’s plans to streamline funding for NHS frontline services welcomed
Executive Chair of InnoScot Health, Graham Watson, notes that innovation offers the best long-term solution. …
Scottish Social Care Minister outlines the next steps to progress the National Care Service Bill
The Scottish Government has announced a dedicated advisory board, support for unpaid carers and enshrining…
Council launches consultation on proposals to introduce charges for telecare services
Shropshire Council is inviting residents who access the council’s telecare service, to take part in…
Orkney Islands consultation on the introduction of charges for community alarm services
A consultation has been launched on the potential introduction of charges for local authority day…
The UK Government gives the green light for groundbreaking new hearing aid devices
Tens of thousands of people with hearing loss will have access to groundbreaking new hearing…
RNID calls on the Government to improve how it communicates with British Sign Language users
The Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) says that there is still "a long…
Government confirms £86m boost to help more disabled and older people live independently
Thousands more people with disabilities will be supported to remain in their homes thanks to…