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About Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare

Drive DeVilbiss is one of the leading manufacturers and distributors of durable medical products in the world today, with manufacturing and distribution centres in the UK, Ireland, United States, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Australia, Romania, Taiwan and China. This means it provides a truly global service complimented by the added benefit of local knowledge.

The company is dedicated to its customers by consistently offering the best quality and most functional products across a broad spectrum of healthcare providers’ needs, better value and competitive pricing, world-class customer service and technical support, friendly people to work with and ongoing innovation.

Drive DeVilbiss provides a complete range of durable medical equipment, including walking aids, hospital and community beds, rise & recliners, wheelchairs, bariatric products, sleep surfaces and pressure prevention products, respiratory equipment, powered wheelchairs, scooters, paediatric products,moving and handling, personal care and aids to daily living.

Drive DeVilbiss Healthcare logo

Contact information:

Company name: Drive DeVilbiss Heathcare

Company telephone: 01274 475116

Company email:

Company website:

Principal contact: North: Karen Clarke – 01274 475118 / South: Nial Hutton – 01274 475116

Company address:

Sidhil Business Park

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