BAS says its new vehicle adaptations product means ‘users’ safety is not compromised’

Vehicle adaptations specialist BAS has announced the launch of its new Push/Pull Brake/Accelerator to the vehicle adaptations market.
The new Push/Pull Brake/Accelerator does not need to be restricted to a pre-determined fixed steering wheel and the airbag does not need to be removed or disconnected, something which BAS says is very common in other products on the market.
BAS says that this means its new Push/Pull Brake/Accelerator ensures users’ safety is not compromised.
The new design allows for full movement of the steering wheel, allowing each driver to set the wheel at the best and safest driving position for them. In addition, there are a range of handles and handle bars to choose from, offering a bespoke driving experience for every customer.
Furthermore, the new design means that the vehicle’s airbags are never removed or interfered with. The positioning of the Push/Pull is such that if the airbag is deployed, the driver’s safety is not compromised.
Another important feature, says BAS, is that on 95 percent of vehicles, there is no need for cutting or reshaping of the vehicle’s trim or components.
“This is unlike current Push/Pull Brake/Accelerators, where almost all require some cutting of vehicle trims,” BAS explained.
The product will be available on the Motability scheme from the 1st January 2019, with nil customer contribution.
BAS is encouraging people to get in touch with their local dealer for more information about the BAS Push/Pull Brake/Accelerator or to contact BAS directly on 0161 776 1594 or visit its website at
BAS (NW) Ltd is a Motability partner with over 35 years’ experience in the installation of vehicle adaptations, striving to develop and manufacture innovative and pioneering products. The company also specialises in bespoke adaptations to meet the individual requirements of its users.
Image courtesy of Guardian Safe and Vault