New training for home carers to replicate real-world experience before entering clients’ homes
Carers and managers from Poole-based home care provider, GoodOaks Home Care, visited AECC University College…
The Scottish Government provides almost £280 million in benefits for unpaid carers
Almost £280 million has been paid to over 150,000 carers since Carer’s Allowance Supplement…
Skills for Care calls for new comprehensive workforce strategy for adult social care
Skills for Care has published its annual State of the Adult Social Care Sector and…
Sense research reveals ‘burnt-out’ family carers looking after disabled family members
New research, published by the national disability charity, Sense, has laid bare the pressure on…
Scottish Government announces £4m funding package to support unpaid carers
Kevin Stewart, Scotland's Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care, said that unpaid carers play…
New £7 million package of funding to support the vital work of unpaid carers in Wales
The Deputy Minister for Social Services in Wales, Julie Morgan, said that unpaid carers play…
Sunderland health experts join forces to improve quality of care and health services
Image shows: (left to right): Hazvineyi Portia Bama, registered service manager, Francis F. Bama, quality…
Cloud-based platform adds new features to empower carers of elderly and vulnerable people
The CareLineLive Care Circle portal will extend the circle of care to other stakeholders such…
Freemasons lead project to help support 33,000 carers with advice, breaks and activities
A project set up Freemasons is helping up to 33,000 adult, young and parent carers…
Snowdrop Independent Living provides 700 Christmas gifts for selfless care workers
Mobility retailer Snowdrop Independent Living has announced that it will be distributing 700 gift bags…