Marketing Manager at Scooterpac

What does your position involve?

My role involves getting information out there about Sooterpac’s fantastic, innovative products, particularly the Cabin Car, the Canopy and the Tandem, which are our main three. I market Scooterpac’s message to our dealers with an aim of getting new dealers on board, both nationally and internationally. I’ve also been organising the trade shows recently: we’re going to Rehacare in Germany and then we’re also at Trade Days.

What do you enjoy most about your job so far?

Having been with the company for just over a month, I think the most enjoyable part so far has been working with products that I think are really unique to the industry and the product I’m most excited about is the Cabin Car. It is a really unique product for the European market and even further afield in the American market. That’s the most exciting part at the moment, but I think I’ll enjoy the trade shows the most as I’m looking forward to interacting with dealers and forming relationships.

What is your background?

My original background was in media production, so I’m hopefully going to try and bring some of those skills to my role at Scooterpac. I ran a small production outfit up in the north east for a little bit, which involved producing promotional videos for local businesses and I worked on marketing for some of the universities as well.

I then moved back down to the east and was in involved in promotional activities in the education sector, including all the design work, social media and online activity for a big sixth-form college.

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Very much like this industry, my previous roles were about helping people. That’s my passion and that’s what I’d like to get through to anyone I talk to. For me, it’s really important that we’re assisting people’s lives and marketing that message.

What attracted you to this role?

The challenge. It’s a completely different sector and my new role has more responsibility than what I’ve had in my previous roles. I have the ability to shape messages and put together a strategy going forward.

What do you think to the industry so far?

So far, certainly here at Scooterpac, everyone seems very welcoming and I get the impression that everyone knows what they’re talking about and that they don’t just give you grey answers. Of course, people want to sell a product that they’re passionate about, but within that, everyone’s goal seems to be to want to help the end-user.

What are your interests outside of work?

I do pilates once a week to keep healthy and active. I’m also into musicals, so I go to the theatre a lot, whether it’s in London or a local theatre.

If you had to do any other job in the world, what would it be?

If I had to do another job, I would probably stick to marketing, but in the environmental industry. Outside of work, I’m passionate about the environment, so a role in that sector would be great.

Quick-fire questions

Describe yourself in three words

Positive, empathetic and efficient

What’s your favourite song?

Another star – Stevie Wonder

What was the last movie you watched?

The Children Act

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?


Favourite place in the world?

2,000km up in the Alps. It’s so tranquil and quiet up there. The air is fresh and I find it very cleansing.

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We respect your privacy BarnettAnalysis & InsightsMeetCabin Car,Canopy,Josh Coles,Meet feature,Mobility aids,Mobility Industry,Mobility scooters,Scooterpac,TandemMarketing Manager at Scooterpac What does your position involve? My role involves getting information out there about Sooterpac’s fantastic, innovative products, particularly the Cabin Car, the Canopy and the Tandem, which are our main three. I market Scooterpac’s message to our dealers with an aim of getting new dealers on board,...News, views & products for mobility, access and independent living professionals