The UK Government gives the green light for groundbreaking new hearing aid devices
Tens of thousands of people with hearing loss will have access to groundbreaking new hearing…
Habinteg calls on the Government to improve the accessibility and adaptability of all new homes
Social landlord Habinteg is urging the Government to make the M4(2) accessible and adaptable standard…
Government confirms £86m boost to help more disabled and older people live independently
Thousands more people with disabilities will be supported to remain in their homes thanks to…
Comment: How Ableworld is riding out the storm and coming out stronger
With some predicting a turbulent couple of years ahead, Mike Williams, Managing Director of Ableworld,…
Sufferers of bad backs to benefit from the UK Government’s new £3.5m inactivity funding
People with back, joint, and muscle issues living in areas with the worst waiting lists…
Government’s Get Britain Working White Paper looks to tackle ill health to improve economic activity
Unveiling major employment reforms, Work and Pensions Secretary, Liz Kendall, has published the ‘Get Britain…
Telecare alarm users to be better protected as government reaches agreement with telecoms industry
The UK Government has reached a “landmark” agreement with the telecoms industry that is designed…
Government to review its policy on the upper limit of DFG-funded home adaptations
The UK government has agreed to review the limit paid to help fund specialist adaptations…
Secretaries of State pay visit to new employment support service for people with long term illness
The Work & Pensions and Health Secretaries met people who have been supported by WorkWell…
First Minister visit highlights need for Scottish Government to support vital disability services
L-R John Swinney, Noami Smith Co-production Leader at Upper Springland and Callum McGregor Director of…