TPG Centre of Excellence

TPG DisableAids, a mobility and access equipment specialist serving five counties from its Hereford base, has unveiled a new patient handling training service designed to save care providers’ money by ‘training the trainer’.

Named the ‘TPG Training Academy’, the new training arm will see TPG team up with moving and handling equipment specialist Britton Price Training.

The partnership will offer care providers the opportunity to have staff complete a ‘Train the Trainer’ qualification in patient handling, with the training programme OFQUAL regulated and accredited by ROSPA Qualifications.

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According to TPG, the two-day course offers the highest levels of compliance and removes the need for care providers to rely on external providers to make numerous visits to deliver training to new team members or refreshers to existing team members.

The company emphasises that ‘train the trainer’ concept enables care and nursing staff to become fully qualified and then cascade the training internally, saving potentially budget-restricted social care providers money.

“This qualification also covers load handling so all of your staff can be trained by the in-house trainer, regardless of their role,” confirmed a statement from TPG.

In addition to the two-day course, carried out at TPG’s dedicated training room at its Hereford premises, those that complete the course also receive access to an online training portal.

The digital resource includes numerous refresher (how-to) videos, safe systems of work, legislation and guidance, as well as all of the training materials needed for qualified staff to deliver internal training, including workbooks and presentations.

Care providers also have the option to issue Level 2 qualifications to all staff who are then trained internally, added TPG.

Speaking with THIIS, Alastair Gibbs, Managing Director of TPG DisableAids, commented: “We are acutely aware of the high ‘staff churn’ in the care sector, which, in turn, commits care homes and nursing homes, along with home care providers, to a large re-training cost.

“Without completing the training, they run the risk of not complying with the CQC requirements. Our solution allows them to always remain compliant and potentially reduces costs.”

Courses are limited to eight people and are £650 per person, with availability limited.

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We respect your privacy BarnettNewsroomRetailer NewsTrade NewsBritton Price Training,CQC,Hereford,installation,loan handling,Mobility,moving and handling equipment,patient handling,people handling,TPG DisableAids,TPG Training Academy,train the trainerTPG DisableAids, a mobility and access equipment specialist serving five counties from its Hereford base, has unveiled a new patient handling training service designed to save care providers’ money by 'training the trainer'. Named the ‘TPG Training Academy’, the new training arm will see TPG team up with moving and...News, views & products for mobility, access and independent living professionals