Government announces extra funding of up to £500,000 to improve travel for disabled people
The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced a first-of-its-kind competition to find new ways to…
Businesses urged to take advantage of £274bn Purple Pound in next national lockdown
Mike Adams OBE at Picaddily Circus promoting Purple Tuesday New research by disability charity Purple…
Purple Tuesday 2020 registration opens as companies urged to improve disability inclusion
The Lifestyle and Mobility team taking part in Purple Tuesday in 2019 Following the success…
WDP encourages business leaders to take on “disability challenge” to mark Purple Tuesday
Donning purple to celebrate this year's Purple Tuesday, the team at Warrington Disability Partnership &…
Disability gains more attention in society as retailer promotes inclusivity in window display
Credit: Twitter/Beth Wilson The White Collection Bridal Boutique in Bristol has recently gained a lot…
Industry retailers show their support for UK’s first ever dedicated accessible shopping day
Purple Tuesday, which launched today, marks the UK’s first accessible shopping day for people with…
Putting accessibility at the heart mobility retail
Increasingly, retailers across multiple sectors are realising the potential of the ‘purple pound’ and are…
Shopping day geared towards retailers to make shopping more inclusive for disabled people
Taking place on Tuesday 13th November, Purple Tuesday is the UK’s first accessible shopping day…