Shift to online purchasing a factor in Herts Ability decision to close equipment centre
Herts Ability (formerly Hertfordshire Action on Disability) has announced that it will relocate from the…
Change of Herts charity name and branding to focus on ability this Valentine’s Day
Established over 60 years ago, Hertfordshire Action on Disability (HAD) has rebranded to Herts Ability…
Significant website revamp opens up vital new funding streams for mobility equipment charity
Hertfordshire Action on Disability (HAD), a charity helping older and disabled people to lead independent…
Disability charity closes accessible transport service due to “significant running costs”
Hertfordshire Action on Disability (HAD) has announced that it will close its accessible transport service…
Charity completes equipment centre makeover to enhance shoppers’ experience
Hertfordshire Action on Disability (HAD) has recently finished what it describes as a speedy spring-clean…