Kepler Vision technology helps to expand the care of dementia patients in hallways
Specialists in elderly care facility monitoring software, Kepler Vision Technologies, has announced added functionality to its Kepler Night Nurse solution to help care home residents suffering from dementia, and relieve pressure on overstretched care staff.
The Kepler Night Nurse solution looks after the wellbeing of patients through machine learning powered detection technology – alerting staff to any signs of physical distress, such as falling, staying in the bathroom too long, or being unable to get out of bed.
Built with residents that suffer from dementia in mind, the new functionality builds on this system by identifying the whereabouts of patients in hallways in care facilities and allowing staff to remotely control which areas the residents can access.
The AI recognition system learns which patients live in which rooms. If that patient leaves its room, the system can be configured to electronically lock the door behind that patient.
If the patient returns, the system unlocks the door. If another patient tries to enter, the door remains locked. This allows for increased privacy for residents and reduces the need for staff to physically monitor patient’s access or whereabouts.
Additionally, where care facilities do not have electronic locks, the system can be configured to send a text alert to the nurse when a patient enters a room they are not supposed to enter.
According to Kepler, the new add-on removes the need for physical trackers, such as the tracking bracelets often worn by residents suffering from dementia as it uses cameras in the ceiling in hallways.
Live video feeds are analysed by the software without ever being seen by a human being, with all video processing being done in a closed system, ensuring privacy for residents and staff alike, while making sure any incidents that require action can be responded to immediately
Dr. Harro Stokman, CEO of Kepler Vision Technologies, said: “We are excited to bring new functionality to the Kepler Night Nurse solution. The solution will help not only care home residents, but also the care staff who look after them.
“An estimated 80 percent of people living in care homes suffer from either dementia or severe memory problems, often putting a major strain on care facility staff at a time when many organisations have difficulties hiring caregivers.
“This new functionality is by far the most often requested feature of our customers, and we are proud to be offering a solution that reduces the pressure on staff without compromising on their ability to provide the best possible care.
“The solution also removes the need for intrusive devices for tracking dementia patients without adding any extra complexity, meaning it benefits both residents and staff alike.”
Kepler’s Night Nurse solution can be customised by carers to respond to different causes for concern across their patients. This self-service functionality allows the staff to request alerts fitting the specific needs of the patient.
In care homes with patients suffering dementia, control over which areas can be accessed is decided by staff and staff only, removing the need for nurses to individually keep track of all patients in-person.
Kepler Vision’s Night Nurse solution claims to be the world’s first computer vision-based fall detector to be awarded medical device status. Its computer vision powered software officially registered as a medical device in compliance with the European council directive 93/42/EEC.
According to research by Kepler Vision Technologies, assistive technology arguably has a particularly crucial role in the current climate as the health and social care sectors deal with excessively long waiting lists caused by the significant pressure from the coronavirus pandemic.