Alerta pillows and duvetsMedical equipment manufacturer Alerta Medical has launched new long-life pillows and duvets to enable users to sleep in comfort.

Alerta’s Long-Life Luxury Washable Duvet is designed to offer comfort, durability, and safety. With its 10.5 tog rating, the duvet provides the perfect balance of warmth and breathability, making it ideal for year-round use.

Designed for lasting comfort, Alerta’s Long-Life Luxury Washable Pillow features a breathable fill that provides the ideal sleep surface.

Ian Lindberg, CEO of Alerta Medical, says “Patient comfort is number one for Alerta, it is part of Alerta’s promise that “everyone in care will be kept comfortable, safe and secure” hence the launch of Alerta’s Long-Life Luxury Washable Pillow and Duvets is absolutely key and an exciting move forward.”

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Based in Irvine in Scotland, Alerta Medical is a designer and manufacturer of pressure relief and fall prevention equipment for the healthcare market, delivering solutions to proactively maximise user safety and comfort.

In recent news, Alerta Medical announced that it had launched an all-inclusive range of bed rail padding products.

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We respect your privacy McIvorNewsroomSupplier NewsTrade NewsUncategorisedAlerta Medical,duvets,pillows,sleeping,washableMedical equipment manufacturer Alerta Medical has launched new long-life pillows and duvets to enable users to sleep in comfort. Alerta’s Long-Life Luxury Washable Duvet is designed to offer comfort, durability, and safety. With its 10.5 tog rating, the duvet provides the perfect balance of warmth and breathability, making it ideal...News, views & products for mobility, access and independent living professionals